Lately I have been quite frustrated and been quick to anger. I realized tonight that I have a lot of things that I put first in my life, and they are far from God. It's time for me to cast down some idols. Facebook, as I'm sure many of us can attest to, has become a huge addiction to me. I deleted my account once but re-activated it quite quickly after doing so. I was thinking about deleting it earlier today but decided the pros outweighed the cons of having it. Luckily for me, God decided to step in and help make my decision much easier. A recent status update of mine concerning my frustrations with Canada Post created some intense argumentation among friends with it climaxing with the suggestion that I commit suicide. Not going to lie, that hurt a lot, but I can see that it was exactly what I needed to free myself from that site. God remains good, all the time.
Just a thought, don't get so attached to something in your life that it requires some divine surgery to remove you from it. Self-control, my most favorite of the fruit's of the Spirit, perhaps now I will learn how to use it.
Hey, I really like this. I respect you for your decision a lot. I'm sorry about that hurtful comment. I am working on practicing self control in that area of my life as well... although it is a handy thing in terms of having friends all over the world, it gets in the way of everything more important, specifically spending time with God. Thanks for the reminder again!