Monday, 23 April 2012

Some thoughts on Isaiah 56

And yet is that worse? To look suffering in the eyes and then turn away? I saw and yet I did nothing - what does that show to them?- Mallory Moench
Thus says the Lord: “Maintain justice, and do what is right, for soon my salvation will come and my deliverance be revealed
            Thus says the Christian: “God blesses me because I’m right. I’d better rape and pillage the earth as fast I can, for Jesus is coming back soon!”
            Isaiah clearly demands that followers of God have an outward focus. Today, with our wide array of mass media, it is almost impossible to not see the massive injustices that are being committed around the world. Yet we sit in our churches staring into mirrors, congratulating ourselves on how holy and righteous we are. We know that we will be going to heaven, so we stare into the sky, waiting for the Parousia. God in his mercy sees us failing to do justice, even though it is in our faces constantly, so he brings opportunities right to our doorways, that even we filthy sinners should not be able to miss.
“My house shall be a house of prayer,” quotes the pastor as he bars the door to the church. Outside, the homosexual, the refugee and the recovering alcoholic look at each other and say, “The Lord has surely separated us from his people.” The pastor peers out the window of his office at those whom he has just banished and congratulates himself on maintaining the purity of the Church; he did not profane the Lord’s Sabbath. In reality, he is blind and without knowledge. He pours himself a mug of ‘fair-trade’ coffee and thinks that “tomorrow will be like today, great beyond measure.”
“My salvation is coming soon…” It is interesting how ‘happy’ we mortals can make ourselves, even when we fail to maintain justice and do what is right.

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