Sunday, 10 April 2011


Last night I attended my friend's grad recital. He is a music student majoring in composition and has been busy writing music like a fiend for the past year. Not going to lie, I was a little skeptical when I showed up because I'm not a huge fan of 20th Century style composition and I knew that the musicians had not had a whole lot of time to practice the pieces, as they had only been finished only weeks before. However, I was in for an amazing treat, there were some comical parts, some beautiful parts, and just some overall good times. The real treat however, came at the end of the concert when his thesis piece was played.

My friend had a lot of difficulty writing this piece, it caused him a ton of stress and frustration. It started playing, and I thought somebody was sitting there describing my friend to me. This piece was a perfect auditory portrait of my friend. It switched between two major themes; one theme was pretty chaotic and discordant and the other part was beautiful and soothing, the violin carried the melody above the clouds of confusion and pain and made my spirits soar like an eagle.

All of a sudden I had an epiphany, a sort of revelation if you will. A chill ran down my spine, and I felt as though the Holy Spirit was almost speaking audible words to me through this song. The song was called "Prone to Wander" and it told the classic tale of humankind. At times we go along in our lives trying to do it all on our own and descending further and further into madness and discord. Finally when we realize we cannot continue on our own we return to the Father and he lifts us above the mess of our sinful human nature and frees us to become Children of the Promise. All of a sudden my eyes were re-opened to the fact that we are all God's children, that he loves all of us, and yes, we are all messed up, ugly and hideous of ourselves, but He takes us and makes us so much more. We are reborn in Christ and made pure. Instantly I realized once again, how much worth each and every one of us has. The most beautiful thing is that our worth is not an intrinsic quality, not one of us can claim to be more worthy than another based on certain attributes. No, our worth comes from God and the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, and the work of the Spirit in our lives.

This song gave me a new hope for humanity, and that hope is realized in Jesus Christ, my Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is the epiphany you told me you had but never got a chance to actually tell me! Great thoughts Ryan!
