Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord

This speech was delivered April 19, 2013 at the Banquet of the Providence University College 86th Graduation:

Well, here we stand at the end, and as most of us have learned here at Prov over the past few years, there is a specific way to end our times of worship together:
“Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God, Hallelujah!”
With these words we have ended our times of worship here at Prov over these last number of years. And as much as Providence has been a fact of our daily lives for the duration of our time here, life at Providence has been one giant act of worship as we have learned, grown, and served in a plethora of ways. As this year has been drawing to a close the question that has been burning on my mind, as I’m sure it has been on many of yours, has been, “soooo what now? Where do we go from here?”
There have been a couple mottos that have terrified me and encouraged me throughout my time at Prov. The first is the official school motto, “Knowledge and Character for Leadership and Service”. This always kind of scared me, “Do they expect me to actually serve and lead at some point? Don’t they know what kind of person I am?” The second motto is similar, and it is carved above the doors to the school, “Enter to Learn, go forth to Teach” which always made think, “oh no, I better make sure I actually learn something here if they expect me to teach somebody someday”.
            Fortunately, these mottos also carried with them the promise that somehow, we would “Learn”, that we would receive “Knowledge and Character” – in short, we wouldn’t be left up the Rat River without a paddle.
            So, where do we go from here? Presumably we’ve learned something, received some knowledge, and had our characters shaped by our various triumphs, trials, and tribulations at this institution, and now it is time to Teach, now it is time to Lead and Serve. The sending that we have heard time and time again at our worship services over the years begins to make sense. In the midst of the confusion and mystery of transition, we are empowered to go forth in the peace of Christ to love him and serve him in whatever shape that ends up taking. Really, the only response appropriate to such a promise is an exclamation of praise and thus we say, “Thanks be to God, Hallelujah.”
Now, one last time, please join me in the sending;

“Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God, Hallelujah!”

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