Thursday, 4 October 2012

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Heavenly Father;

sometimes we come before you and things aren't alright.
That's alright.
sometimes, i can't say thank-you for your goodness.
You are always good.
my prayers get stuck in my throat and come out in feeble groans and whispers.
You hear my voice.
i am alone and unwanted.
You have called me by name.
sickness and death are lurking.
You are called healer.
vanity of vanities, all is hopelessness.
We hope against hope.
numbly sitting in the pew, i am incapable of worship.
Trees clap their hands in praise.
guilty, oh so guilty.
Declared innocent.

Your mercies are never ending. We, your people, rage tirelessly against your holy name, yet time and time again you reiterate your promises to us. Not only did you come and die, but you also came and lived. In your life lies the promise of life for us all. The world can be a pretty dark place. A lot of stuff happens that I don't have an answer for, and that kills me, but it also killed you.  This Thanksgiving, I thank-you for your promise to me that when things aren't all right, that with you, it's alright. Thank-you so very much Jesus. Cheers!

Glory be to the Father, 
and to the Son, 
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the Beginning,
is now,
and shall be forever.

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