Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Memories of Home

I grew up in a small town that had some incredibly talented people living in it. The church I attended had some of the most talented musicians I have met to date and music was a huge part of my growing up. As a lad I took violin lessons from an old Ukrainian gentleman. I used to carpool to my lesson with a certain Chris Oakley, one of the most talented guitar players I've ever seen. The incredibly gifted friends that I had growing up shaped my love of music, taking me on an audio adventure through many different genres and good times. Chris Oakley, my talented carpool buddy, has had quite the performing career already, performing in such groups as, Silence Through Injustice, the Fortunate, and various other small folk bands. He has been recording some stuff of his own recently and I thought it would be nice to share. It instantly became my favorite song as soon as I heard it. Enjoy here!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Life's Little Lessons

I've learned a few things so far in life:

1) Things rarely turn out the way you expect them too; ironically enough.

2) When you plan to be productive, you probably won't be, productivity has a direct correlation to the imminence of a deadline.

3) Always hope, even when all your hopes are dashed, keep hoping.

4) It turns out God is always in control.

5) I rarely know what I'm doing, and I've noticed lots of other people only claim to know what they are doing.

6) Keeping silent is the best way to appear wise.

7) Honesty is always the best policy, however it is not always best to vocalize it.

8) Mustaches always make my generation look creepy.

9) Few people care about the answer to the question, "How's it going?" Hold on to those that do.

10) Loving God and loving people go hand in hand, it is quite impossible to do one without the other.

11) Disappointment is a fact of life, don't be surprised by it.

12) But in the end; "Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be forever. Amen."